Submission Guidelines
Please help us by emailing your photos no later than the Friday before the meeting.
We no longer accept images on thumb-drives during meetings.
We no longer accept images on thumb-drives during meetings.
Resize to
Our club's current projector is only capable of displaying images at a resolution 1280 x 800 pixels. For display purposes, 72 ppi is standard, and increasing this number will only benefit prints. Your images will look best and our computer will run smoothest if you follow these formatting guidelines which keep file sizes manageable. Please ask a fellow member about setting your editor to export the requested size.
Note: Your total zipped file size for sending all images will be about 3MB or less. |
Use this format to name files: TypeCount-Name-MM-YYYY
Type will be A for Assigned Theme, G for General picture, and M for Monochrome. Count will be the number of the photo. This will set the order of display. Name will be your last name. MM is the month in two-digit form. YYYY is the year For example, if a person named Olivier were to show 4 photos (2 theme, 1 general, and 1 monochrome), the file names would be: A1-Olivier-122008, A2-Olivier-122008; G1-Olivier-122008; M1-Olivier-122008 |
Zip and send |
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